How To Choose A Hard Tag

It’s easy to say that you are anti shoplifting. Not many people out there are FOR shoplifting. Putting that mantra to use in your retail establishment may be a very different story. Without a concrete plan for retail theft prevention, losses of merchandise can (and usually will) occur at a staggering rate.

The first step is to choose a reliable company to assist you with your new retail theft prevention plan. Beginning with something like the Checkpoint security system will help on many facets. They will help guide you through any questions you have. They also carry a wide variety of interchangeable tools and resources designed specifically for anti shoplifting purposes.

Once you have your Checkpoint security system in place, you will need to decide which hard tags to use. Checkpoint security tags come in multiple sizes and shapes for multiple applications. Some questions you might want to ask to determine which Checkpoint security tag is right include:

What type of packaging does it have (box, bag, hanger, hang tag,)

What type of product is this (shirt, pants, shoes, bag)?

What type of fabric is it made out of (stretchy, delicate, leather, denim)?

Is there a way to attach a pin or a lanyard (shoe eye, purse strap, button hole)?

Once you answer these questions you can start to narrow the selection of Checkpoint security tags. If you have any questions about the appropriateness of a tag for a specific application, there is always help available.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting, Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

Don’t Let the Alarm Spook You on Your Way Out

A few years ago when I was a new loss prevention investigator, still during my training period, I came into my office at the beginning of my shift and my boss was already watching two male individuals in the electronics department. He said that they had been walking around the area for quite some time and acting rather suspicious. Almost instantaneously after he pointed out the two males to me they each selected a Nintendo DS and quickly left electronics while looking around.

Although I was not aware of it at the time, I now realize the manner in which they left electronics typically presupposes theft. We had the DS’s in anti shoplifting devices so I was very curious as to how they intended to remove alpha cases. This however, was not their intention. They entered our furniture department and simply placed the DS’s, anti shoplifting cases included, into the front of their pants. Immediately, the two began to head towards the front of the store. Because of the speed in which they concealed the items and made it the checkpoint systems at the front of the store, we were not able to get outside quick enough to detain them. Luckily, as the two exited the store our checkpoint security system alarm went off. One of the males continued out the door, but the second got scared and turned around to run back into the store. We were able to detain the second male and retrieve our merchandise still inside the alpha cases.

Incorporating checkpoint security systems with the proper anti shoplifting devices into our store’s retail theft prevention program gave us the upper hand in this situation.  Without a checkpoint system in place and the merchandise inside checkpoint security tags the alarm would have never gone off. Because of this, any store wanting to strengthen their retail theft prevention efforts would be remiss not to include a checkpoint system with the relevant checkpoint security tags for your merchandise. Who knows, maybe you can just scare future shoplifters into not leaving your store.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting, Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

Establishing a Known Theft Tracking System

One of the best ways for any retail store to enhance their retail theft prevention program is to establish a known theft tracking system. A good known theft tracking system is essential to anti shoplifting efforts. The greatest thing about known theft tracking is it shows you the areas that need to be watched. It will also let you know high priced, high theft items that should have checkpoint security tags that may not previously be integrated into your checkpoint security system.

The known theft tracking method I developed for my store’s retail theft prevention program is percentage based. I broke up the store into numerous blocked sections based on the type of product in that given area. Any time employees find known theft packaging they log it for area it originated, area found, and day of the week. On a weekly basis I go through the log and find percentages for each section previously stated. Knowing where your product is being taken from and concealed gives your retail theft prevention team an insurmountable advantage in their anti shoplifting efforts.

Adding to the advantage of knowing where your theft is coming from, tracking known theft allows you to see the individual merchandise being stolen in a straight forward, organized manner. This allows you to take defensive steps in protecting your merchandise by protecting high theft items with checkpoint security tags. Using your known theft to enhance your checkpoint security system will in turn decrease your known theft and increase profits. Checkpoint systems can only truly be successful if the correct merchandise is protected. The only way to protect the right merchandise is to know what the correct merchandise is.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting, Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

For years I worked in a high theft market. Co-workers would joke that catching a shoplifter was like shooting fish in a barrel. Some days it seemed like there were more thieves running around the store than there were shoppers. It took a long time, but my anti shoplifting directives finally started to pay off.

After conducting many post shoplifting interviews, I picked up on a common thread. The shoplifters all said it was easy to steal from our store. The word had spread that retail theft prevention was a joke here. Even though we had a Checkpoint security system in place, no one ever responded to the alarms.

I finally had it one day. I took this news to my next managers meeting at told them that we were a laughing stock in the community. We were the town’s big joke. My managers, being very prideful people, finally got the message. They vowed to start focusing on retail theft prevention.

The first step was proper execution of the Checkpoint security system. Not only were alarms responded to in a timely, professional manner, but also receipts were validated, as per company policy.

My employees started to notice customers with high theft items and call us. They made sure we knew every movement the merchandise made. It wasn’t long before I noticed the amount of times that shoplifters would dump the product instead of stealing it.

The store’s moral was elevated knowing they were taking control and would never be laughed at again.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547


Checkpoint Systems: A Sales Best Friend!!

Having product out live is a risky gamble to increase sales. If product is not placed live on the sales floor and is merely represented by a piece of paper or an empty box as a means of retail theft prevention then sales could be lost. If product is not represented on the sales floor then how can it sell? The short answer is that is can not and will not sell. Many retailers use this anti shoplifting method to protect their inventory. By doing so you place a huge reliance on the store staff to ensure all product in the stockroom is represented by an empty box or piece of paper and obviously mistakes happen.

In working as a multi unit lp manager of a small box retailer I encountered this type of anti shoplifting movement. The entire process of gutting product then devising a filing system and then dealing with customers who question how you can sell opened product as new will cause one huge headache. At the end of the year ultimately many locations end up with lower than expected sales due to the fact their inventory was not represented correctly on the sales floor thus never giving customers the chance to purchase the product. All of which would have been avoided if they would have purchased some checkpoint systems.

I have found that one of the best retail theft prevention methods is the checkpoint security system. Instead of gutting product, you attach checkpoint security tags and place the product right on the sales floor, thus ending any concern as to whether your entire product line is represented. The Checkpoint Security system is an all inclusive product that requires quite a bit of interaction from the store staff which goes deeper than merely placing Checkpoint Security tags on product. The staff must ensure the tags are placed correctly and consistently as well as audit the tagging procedures. The Checkpoint systems are only as good as the staff supporting them. If employees do not place the checkpoint security tags correctly or react to the checkpoint security system alarm then the system offers no anti shoplifting benefits.

Retail theft prevention is a tough game to play with many pitfalls for the unwary or uninformed. Starting with research on checkpoint systems is a great first step to put together a successful anti shoplifting strategy. Implementing the system correctly will work out much better than trying to gut all of your product and then hope and pray that your product is successfully represented through out the year as well as hope and pray that your customers like that form of marketing and waiting for the product to be retrieved from the stockroom.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

 For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

A few hows and whys regarding using Checkpoint security systems

Checkpoint Security Tags are among the most common forms of anti shoplifting devices currently being utilized in today’s retail environment.  They are easy to install, easy to upkeep, and are simple enough that anyone can implement it into their store.  The way it functions is the Checkpoint security tags are applied to product; the tags themselves clip on through the use of a large pin that snaps into place on the flat side of the sensor.  When a sensor passes near a Checkpoint system gate it triggers an alarm, the source of which is a feedback signal created by the sensor’s proximity to the gate.  The noise it creates is both familiar and noticeable.  However it is not fool-proof by any means.

The most important thing to ensure the effectiveness of a Checkpoint security system is that it is executed properly.  It will do no good if your employees are not attaching tags to over 95% of the product you are trying to protect.  In order to ensure those standards are kept I can only suggest that incoming product that fits your company’s protection guidelines are tagged as soon as they get off the shipment truck before they even hit the sales floor.  After that, doing regular checks on tag attachment rates will help you keep tabs on who in your store is not towing the line as the saying goes.

Just remember, even if you have a 100% tag attachment rate it does not guarantee absolute retail theft prevention.  The Checkpoint security system is merely an anti shoplifting tool that best serves as a supplement that gives your loss prevention team valuable time and even a little peace of mind.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

Hard Tags can prevent concealment too?

After spending as much time as I have working in Loss Prevention, it is habit for me to take note of retail theft prevention at other retailers. I suppose it’s just an occupational fascination to see anti shoplifting tactics used. It’s really a great way for me to get ideas on what might be implemented in my own stores.

Recently, I purchased a new comforter set. Attached to the eyes of the zippers was what looked like a Checkpoint security tag. It was small in design with a loop connecting the two zippers pulls together.  I know Checkpoint systems carry an Alpha Fashion2 accessory tag, very similar to this.

This seemed to be a pretty great anti shoplifting device. The loop was big enough that I could unzip enough to feel the quality of the materials the comforter was made out of. The loop kept the zipper closed enough to avoid any other items from being stuffed into the bag and concealed from purchase.

When I worked for a middle market retailer years ago, I remember it being a big deal. Expensive items would be hidden deep inside of sheet sets or comforter bags. The other loss we incurred was from parts being switched out or taken, like the sheets or a decorative pillow from the set.  That rendered a huge margin loss because we had to sell off the rest of the set at a huge markdown.

Retail theft prevention sure has changed over the years. I would have loved to have access to a Checkpoint security tag like this. It would have saved a lot of investigative time as well as profit loss for the store.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

Shoplifters are “Casing” Your Business Everyday!!

There are so many different ways for thieves to commit theft within the four walls of any business that it can make your head spin. Everyday companies like checkpoint develop EAS checkpoint systems and everyday there are thieves plotting new strategies to steal. One of the ways that drove our loss prevention team nuts was using the fitting rooms or bathrooms to put on stolen clothing underneath the clothing they were wearing. Businesses that did not utilize any retail theft prevention such as the checkpoint system were left wide open to this type of thievery. The checkpoint system is an electronic article system that utilizes “hard” checkpoint security tags as well as “soft” checkpoint security labels.

Thieves case out different businesses anti shoplifting strategies to pinpoint the easiest targets. In speaking with suspects in post theft interviews it was a unanimous point made that those businesses that employed no retail theft prevention were the first targets on their list to perpetrate theft. The thieves would enter the store search for a checkpoint security system at the front, and then wander through the store to look for checkpoint security tags. Once they have determined the store has limited or no retail theft prevention they start selecting product they will be stealing. That is when they either conceal the product in large bags, on their person or attempt to get into a bathroom or fitting room to conceal under their clothes. Obviously sales personnel or loss prevention team members would attempt to employ anti shoplifting floor techniques but they fall short when there are several thieves at work in the store at the same time.

The Checkpoint security system is a great tool that is always vigilant regardless of how many thieves could be at work. The key is to ensure the checkpoint security system is set up correctly, all pertinent items are fixed with checkpoint security tags and the store staff is trained to audit, deactivate and react to the checkpoint alarm. Deterring theft via anti shoplifting devices such as cameras, checkpoint systems or extra lp team members should be the strategy for every business to maintain their bottom line. Thieves are constantly casing out store locations and honing new and improved theft techniques. What are you doing to ensure your anti shoplifting strategy is refined and at its best?

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547


Please Visit Us online at for information on how you can be Anti Shoplifting. 

Will your Sales Make a Swan dive or a Cannon Ball this Year?

For many retailers, the Cruise season is here! It’s that wonderful point in the dead of winter where we see the influx of swimsuits hitting the shelves. As we take a look at retail theft prevention, the change in merchandise brings a change in our anti shoplifting tactics.

Swimsuits are hard to control. Small and easy to conceal, they can often be a high dollar item just begging to be taken. They are often stolen in a fitting room, or even just concealed in a purse or pocket on the sales floor. So what’s a progressive retailer to do? Well, look no further than Checkpoint Security systems.

Chances are you already have a Checkpoint Security System in place that uses the basic soft labels or hard tags. These don’t really work for swimsuits. The slick stretchy material renders a sticky soft tag useless. The pins from hard tags run the risk of snagging the suits material. How can you possibly sell damaged merchandise at full margin?

Well, Checkpoint Systems has the anti shoplifting solution! They have created a Checkpoint security tag called the Golf Ball/ Clam Shell hard tag specifically with swimsuits in mind. The front and back of the clam shell are the same size minimizing the risk of damage to the suit. These Checkpoint security tags would also work well on other Lycra based items like work out attire!

Retail theft prevention couldn’t be easier. The simple application of these anti shoplifting devices are sure to make the right splash in your swimwear sales this year!

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547