Anti shoplifting programs are put in place to ensure that company’s assets are well protected. During my career I have been asked to help a few retail stores improve their Retail theft prevention program. These retail store’s shrink numbers were very high, so they needed a way to fix their problem. Once I looked over the store problem I uncovered that the stores were more of a haven to shoplifters than to customers. The first thing I did was to have a meeting with everyone and discuss different Retail theft prevention methods. I also listen to their concerns and then explained to them that anti shoplifting programs are the only way to protect a store’s assets. I explained the importance of using Checkpoint security tags and how they would work. I showed them the benefits of having a complete checkpoint security system.
Checkpoint systems are a great and helpful tool in combating retail theft, as long as everyone works together. The Retail theft prevention program helped these stores slowly protect their assets. It took time for employee’s to embrace using the checkpoint security tags on their hi-value items. But they learn that using all these tools together not only protect the merchandise but can also protect their jobs. A proper Anti shoplifting program is the difference between a retail store keeping their doors open or closing them forever.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.
For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547