Can Your Clothing Alarm Be Used For Something Else?

Your clothing alarm system protects your merchandise 24/7. It does not call in sick or take a vacation. A properly used system will dramatically drop your shoplifting losses. But what else can your clothing alarm be used for?

How about controlling store use items such as tools and equipment. You could place a hard tag on these items that would alert you if they were being removed from the store. We know that people will steal anything that is not nailed down this includes your store property. This could also include pricing guns and any other merchandise labeling equipment.

Do not forget office equipment and supplies that may have a tendency to walk away with either customers or employees.

You can also protect smaller items such as keys. Attach a hard tag to customer restroom keys. That way if the customer simply forgets to return them you will know. Store staff use keys could also be tagged. This is not an issue of theft but just forgetting to put them back before going home. Have you ever come in one morning and the person who closed took keys home by accident?

Documents and paperwork that is not to leave the store can also be protected with a Checkpoint label. Again it is probably not an issue of someone stealing it. You just do not want it to leave the store.

Rental equipment or items should also be protected with a Checkpoint hard tag or Checkpoint label until they have been properly rented and the customer is then authorized to remove them.

For more information about clothing security or clothing security tags or security tags on clothes contact us at clothing alarm or call 1.770.426.0547

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