Bottle Locks: A Solution for the Serious Retailer.

Many years ago I worked in a local liquor store owned by a good friend and entrepreneur.  The business did great at first but we quickly realized that some of our best customers were our worst customers because liquor bottle security wasn’t something we had considered.

Every morning I would arrive early and stock the shelves with merchandise.  We wanted to make sure the shelves were completely stocked at opening because we always had a surge of regular customers before lunch.

Having only one employee working at a time made simultaneously running a cash register and assisting customers on the sales floor a real challenge. Within a month we lost more than $500 in product.  That means we lost more than $1,000 in potential sales and $500 in profit.

Liquor bottle security needed to be a priority!

We contacted a local loss prevention consultant and they recommended a number of liquor bottle security choices.  The plan was to start small and work our way into a more sophisticated loss prevention bottle lock system.  We eventually settled on EASy bottle bottle locks from Alpha Security and rolled them out within a week of placing our first order.

The following Monday when we revealed our new bottle locks by Alpha Security, the suspected shoplifters were shocked!  Bottle Security was clearly not something the shoplifters had considered.  The simple fact that we made an investment in bottle security sent a clear message to our customers.

Each bottle lock required a nominal investment and we immediately got a return on our investment.  Bottle Locks are easy to use and they don’t inhibit our merchandising opportunities.  These days everyone knows what anti shoplifting devices look like and why retailers use them.  Our legitimate customers could care less if we use EASy bottle locks.

It is only the shoplifters and thieves that are turned away by a liquor bottle security.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547