If your nightclub or restaurant is experiencing inventory losses with your alcohol, chances are you have a problem with employee theft. There is a multitude of ways that your bartenders can steal from you, but there is also a multitude of ways that you can prevent employee theft behind the bar.
One of the easiest ways is to ensure your bartenders and wait staff all go through some kind of loss prevention training. This can be either in house, or contracted out through a loss prevention workshop. During the training, you and your employees will become more aware of different ways that employees have been caught stealing. This is great way to let employees know not to try it, because it is a known method- and it doesn’t work.
It is also a chance to define exactly what constitutes theft- from the obvious stealing bottles, to free drinks, and even a matter of over pouring their shots of liquor. When your employees have a clear set of expectations, definitions and consequences, they are less likely to take the risk of stealing from you.
This is a prefect time to explain what the consequences will be for any employee caught reducing the company’s profits or inventory- intentionally or otherwise. Some offenses may only require additional training, while others will constitute termination of employment and prosecution.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.