Anyone in your business can steal including LP Agents…

It isn’t something that we would ever want to admit too or acknowledge openly, but the truth is that there are some Loss Prevention Agents out there guilty of as much employee theft as any other employee.  The fact of the matter is we are human beings and as such are prone to the same moral lapses, financial pitfalls, or sociopathic tendencies as anyone else.  No human being is perfect, even those who try to put out the image that they are.

Just as with any other form of authority there needs to be a method of checks and balances to ensure that no one can try to take advantage of any opportunities.  Of all the tools available to provide these checks and balances the CCTV system is by far the greatest asset.  With a well implemented camera system any store can observe the sales floor as well as any offices in the building.  Giving employees, no matter their designation or level, as few places to covertly commit internal theft as possible allows for a greater reduction simply through deterrence.  However the threat of being seen isn’t enough.  LP agents and managers usually know where any and all cameras are currently active in your store which is why measures need to be taken to discreetly place covert units from time to time.  Utilizing these prudent tools is vital to guaranteeing that there is little to no chance for ANY of your employees to get away with an employee theft.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase CCTV Systems that can help you stop Internal Theft and Employee Theft problems and helpwith your Employee Theft Investigation.

For more information on internal theft, employee theft investigation or employee theft contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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