Clothing security is important in any retail establishment if that establishment wants to make profit. If you go into any major retailer out there I can guarantee you that Loss Prevention has a list of the top shrink/loss departments. I can also guarantee you that on a list of five departments, three will be clothes.
Clothes are easy to steal and that is the reason that they appear on top shrink lists. Investing in anti-theft devices including various forms of security tags will greatly lower your shrink. It’s a safe investment but best of all it is an inexpensive one as well. There are plenty different kinds of cheap tags available to fit your business needs. In order to compliment these tags are very cheap labels which serve a shrink reducing purpose.
Let’s say anti-theft devices were placed on jeans. The device was placed on it incorrectly on a pair and it was not visible to a shoplifter, the tag failed in its purpose. But like a good partner, a cheap label was there visibly stating that merchandise from that specific rack were all protected. The shoplifter changes his mind and leaves the store, and you just saved some clothes.
Visit RBC Security Solutions for Clothing Security Anti- theft Devices that can help you protect your clothes and prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.
For more information on how you can use Clothing Security Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to protect your Clothes and help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.
Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Clothing Security needs!