When I first heard of Alpha security products, I was a little unsure if these security features like bottle locks would actually prevent theft and boost profits for my company. I listened to the salesmen and did some research on my own.
Eventually, I agreed to EASy bottle locks in my stores and wanted to see what and how they truly impact sales, whether positive or negative.
A little background on my stores… they are roughly 15,000 square feet of selling space, and have general merchandise and liquor. Liquor accounts for roughly 30% of my overall sales. Currently I have no bottle locks and have seen a spike missing liquor bottles, half empty bottles and “staged” bottles or bottles that appear to be set up for a later theft. Visiting other large retailers, I didn’t like what bottle security they had going, and refused to lock up any of my merchandise behind a counter or in a cage. It just wasn’t customer friendly. I needed something like a bottle lock that would enable my merchandise to be left on open sell; yet provide me the bottle security I needed.
I made a deal with Alpha security and had a bottle lock put on every bottle in my store. I stuck to the directions, as simple as they were and made sure that made bottles and profits were protected. In the past liquor bottle security was something I never really thought of and actually assumed it was more expensive than it was worth. Sure it took an initial investment, but in the end… I’m very happy.
Since going with Alpha Security and using EASy bottle locks on my merchandise, I have seen a dramatic decrease in the instances of missing bottles, half opened or consumed bottles. In fact I have gone almost 3 weeks now, and have found no opened or half empty bottles. I can definitely say that liquor bottle security in my store is working and Alpha security products, like EASy bottle locks definitely have done their job.
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For more information on bottle lock, bottle security, EASy bottle, liquor bottle security or bottle locks contact us at Alpha Security or call 1.770.426.0547