Alpha Security Products Are Friends of Loss Prevention

Alpha Security and their products have always worked well with loss prevention. Alpha security has built its reputation on providing quality, usable security products that work with loss prevention to proactively prevent a loss of profits.

A few years ago, a shoplifter entered a grocery store looking to restock his personal liquor locker with free items. Walking through the liquor department, the thief was shopping for his favorite brands and flavors. This was his store. For years he shopped this store (and never paid for merchandise) because liquor bottle security was something the manager did not believe in or know about. It was an easy place to get a quick bottle or three and please his buddies with freebies.

Loss Prevention did an audit and made recommendations to the manager/owner on bottle security, identifying the risk opportunity in the liquor aisle. Loss Prevention recommended the store install bottle locks on the high risk, high dollar liquor items for sale. More specifically, the manager was told of EASy bottle locks and how these liquor bottle security devices work to keep his profits his the store. A bottle lock fits right on top of the bottle cap and prevents the bottle from being opened, and makes it more difficult for the shoplifter to get out of the store undetected.

The shoplifter noticed a bottle lock on his usual bottle of scotch. Puzzled at the new bottle security, he moved to the next aisle and found his favorite wine with an EASy bottle lock. For a minute or two, the shoplifter stood staring at his favorites, scratching his head and wondering what he would do. He then left the store and sat in his car for a few minutes. He got out, smoked a cigarette then returned back inside and to his beloved liquor department. He removed a plastic shopping bag from his back pocket and commenced shopping. Disregarding the bottle lock on each item, he placed 4 bottles into the plastic bag and headed to the front of the store. Activating the security pedestals at the front of the store, the shoplifter dropped the bag of bottles in a nearby basket and fled the store. He found out quickly how Alpha security products like bottle locks and other forms of liquor bottle security ruined his fun.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store.

For more information on bottle lock, bottle locks, bottle security, EASy bottle or liquor bottle security contact us at Alpha Security or call 1.770.426.0547

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