Catching the bad guy – A Loss Prevention Agent at Work – Atlanta

Employing a loss prevention agent reduces loss from shoplifters in your business.  We would like to think that the individuals that choose to shop in our business would be honest, hardworking folks looking to spend their money on our quality products.  But, unfortunately, there are those that would prefer to have the “five finger discount” on items they’d like to own but do not want to pay for – your items.

A loss prevention agent is an employee that can be trained to survey your sales floor, watching for shoplifters.  Your business should have a reliable loss prevention policy in place before creating this type of program.  A loss prevention agent can dress like your average shopper, but can watch for any type of suspicious activity, so that activity can be reported to management.  Or, in the case of a shoplifter within your business, the loss prevention agent can make a shoplifter apprehension and seek prosecution of the thief.

Loss prevention consultants can be brought into your business to help you create a good loss prevention/asset protection policy.  These experts are invaluable, and years of experience as well as in depth knowledge can work for a business, in order to implement a viable and worthwhile program.

A business owner may notice that his or her business is experiencing a significant loss of profit due to lost merchandise.  This is a wake-up call to the business owner – a loss prevention program needs to be implemented.  Loss prevention consultants or a loss prevention agent can do the job.

For more information about loss prevention agent contact us at: loss prevention consultants or call 1.770.426.0547.